Sedation Dentistry

Anxiety-Free Dental Care with Sedation Dentistry

At Starbody Dental, we strive to create and facilitate positive dental care experiences for all of our patients. With sedation dentistry, our dentists help patients with dentophobia or dental anxiety access the dental care they need without the fear, stress, and anxiety that many experience at the dentist.  

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a type of dental care that uses a variety of different sedative medications and levels of sedation administered to patients before or during their dental appointments to help mitigate dental anxiety and symptoms of dentophobia.  

Sedation dentistry can also use other relaxation and calming techniques to help mitigate anxiety for patients. Some of these approaches include headphones and calming music, weighted blankets, aromatherapy, non-verbal communication strategies, and more.  

Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry can help any patient who suffers from dental anxiety or dentophobia. If any of the following are true for you or your child, then our personalized approach to sedation dentistry can help:

  • You had a traumatic experience during a past dental visit.  
  • You must undergo a lengthy, complex, and/or invasive dental procedure.  
  • You have sensory issues or struggle with a dental office's smells, sights, and sounds.
  • You fear needles and/or receiving shots.  
  • You feel self-conscious about your teeth.  
  • Your teeth are highly sensitive.
  • You have a strong gag reflex.
  • Your body does not respond to local anesthetics, making it difficult to completely numb the treatment location.
  • You wish to have a more comfortable and relaxing experience during a dental visit.  

Regardless of your concerns, our dental care team can work with you to find an effective strategy to help you access the dental care you need to maintain your health without anxiety.  

A Sedation Solution to Meet Your Needs

A variety of sedation methods offer different levels of sedation and different effects that allow us to provide patients with personalized recommendations designed to address their specific needs, concerns, and treatment plans.  

  • Nitrous Oxide Sedation - Commonly called "laughing gas," nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask to gently induce a state of relaxation. A light form of sedation, patients remain awake and responsive throughout their treatments and can remember most of their appointments. Nitrous oxide leaves the system quickly facilitating a short recovery time.  
  • Oral Sedation - These sedatives are taken orally in pill form. The level of sedation can vary based on the type of sedative prescribed. Oral sedation offers a deeper level of sedation. Patients remain conscious and responsive but feel extremely relaxed and might even doze off during their appointments. These sedatives leave the body slowly, so they require patients to arrange transportation to and from our office.  

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

All forms of sedation used in sedation dentistry are administered by highly trained, qualified, and experienced professionals in doses that are prescribed specifically for each patient after a thorough review of the patient's medical history and all of their current medications (prescription and over-the-counter) and supplements.  

How Long Do the Effects of Sedation Last?

The duration of the effects of sedation lasts different amounts of time, depending on the type of sedation administered. For example, the sedative effects of nitrous oxide typically wear off quickly, while the effects of deeper levels of sedation will take longer to dissipate.  

We will provide you with thorough information about the type of sedation you are receiving to ensure you have proper transportation for your appointment and other arrangements made for the rest of the day.  

Enjoy Calm and Relaxation in the Dental Chair with Sedation Dentistry at Starbody Dental

If you experience any form of dental anxiety or are worried about an upcoming dental procedure, we welcome you to talk with our dentists about our sedation dentistry options. We strive to create positive experiences for all of our patients and can work with you to find a solution to your concerns. To learn more about sedation dentistry or to request an appointment, we welcome you to contact Starbody Dental in Murfreesboro, TN today.

We can't wait to meet you!

Call 615-896-1330 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.